Sunday, April 7, 2013

iPad Mini Not Gobbling Up Full Size iPad Sales Survey Shows

A survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers shows that Apple’s cheaper, smaller iPad mini may not be cannibalizing sales of larger iPad models as much as some had initially thought.
The survey found that 47 percent of iPad mini purchasers are new to Apple. According to analyst Katy Huberty, concerns about iPad cannibalization — that is, users buying an iPad mini instead of a full-size iPad — are “overblown,” and that iPad market shares are “surprisingly resilient.” The tablet is making up 34 percent of total iPad purchases.
Apple introduced the 7.9-inch iPad mini October 23, and it went on sale to the public November 2. The pint-size tablet is Apple’s answer to 7-inch Android offerings like the Nexus 7 and Nook Color. It is lighter than its competitors, and the public seems to be warming up quite quickly to the new tablet.
“The iPad mini will add to Apple’s overall sales, but also cut into some of the big iPad sales, and that’s a risk they’re willing to take,” Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps told Wired when the iPad mini went on sale November 2. “They’d rather lose have a lower average selling price, but keep market share.”
And keep market share they have. Although Samsung is more than creeping on Apple’s turf in the smartphone space, Apple is still holding its own in the tablet world. The iPad still makes up about 50 percent of the tablet market, according to Morgan Stanley’s stats, and that doesn’t look to be changing any time soon.

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