Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nintendo to release most of Nintendo TVii on 12 20

True to their word, Nintendo plans to update the Wii-U with support for the Nintendo TVii service they announced back in September. Unfortunately, the app will still be missing several of the features that were mentioned then.
It feels like every major company is currently battling for control of your television. As the largest screen in most people’s homes, and arguably the most used one, it is a valuable piece of digital real estate. Nintendo TVii seemed to push the Wii U pretty far ahead of the pack when it was announced back in September. The service promised video aggregation, TV remote controls, a TV guide app, and connection to digital services like Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix. Combined with the other features built in to the Wii U, it made the console one of the first devices capable of comfortably sitting between the user and the television. Now that it is finally here, however, the service is still not quite finished.
Integration with TiVO services, especially the ability to play back video recorded on TiVO units and grab the guide information, will not be available at launch. Netflix integration with Nintendo TVii, despite already having the Netflix app on the Wii U, will also not be available at launch. These two features will be made available some time in 2013. The TiVO Integration especially was a key feature when showing off the service at the Wii U launch event, and at this time it is unclear when in 2013 that feature will become available or why there’s been a delay.
Nintendo TVii still offers a pretty powerful app for those interested in aggregating all of their video content in one place. The Wii U GamePad’s IR blaster offers control in a place that the other game consoles don’t have yet, which makes it much easier for users to want to reach for the GamePad as the remote for their entertainment system. Nintendo has also done a great job making it comfortable to swap video between the television and the GamePad with zero interruption, so long as you are within range of the console. The Wii U will be a fantastic addition to any entertainment center, once it is finished.

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