Monday, September 2, 2013

The Fuji X100S Is Faster Than Your Toddler

Fuji updated the X100. The new rig is called, appropriately, the X100S. The “S” stands, appropriately, for speed because this camera is fast. Crazy fast. And while the camera’s internals got a boost, the X100S still carries the classic body of the X100.
All that speed comes from the APS-C X-Trans CMOS II and the EXR Processor II. All those letters boosted the operational and autofocus speed. The camera will focus in 0.08 seconds and shoot six frames per second in 14bit-RAW format. It’s a quick camera in a tiny package.
But all that power and speed doesn’t mean much if the lens is junk. No worries here. The Fujinon 23mm F2 fixed focal length lens is equivalent to a 35mm lens and has a built-in ND (neutral density) filter that’s equivalent to three stops.
Throw in the hybrid-viewfinder option of digital on the LCD display or optical, HD video in 1080p and digital split-image manual focus and the X100S could be the camera that finally captures your kids before they run away.
The Fuji X100S will be available in March for $1,300.
via: wired

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