Friday, September 6, 2013

Will the iPhone 5 Mini iPad Take On The Samsung Galaxy Note

The Galaxy Note has become a relative success for Samsung in 2012. Is Apple looking to take on this smartphone/tablet crossover with a large-screenediPhone 5 or Mini iPad?
The Samsung Galaxy Note has been laughed off byAppledom for its built-in stylus pen and big, bulky screen — a device that doesn’t know if it is a smartphone or tablet. And yet, in spite of the widespread ambivalence of the Samsung Galaxy Note’s design and place in the mobile computing sphere, it has managed to lead Samsung’s recent sales successes. According to CNBC, Samsung “will report strong first-quarter profit of around USD 4.5 billion on Friday on soaring sales of its flagship Galaxy smartphones and the new Note, a mini-tablet and phone,” adding that “Sales of the Note, which has revived the throwback stylus function, have topped 5 million, increasing the competition against Apple Inc.”
Compared to the fact that the iPhone 4S sold 4 million units in its first weekend alone, 5 million Samsung Galaxy Note sales may not seems all too impressive when comparing it against Apple’s iPhone sales. But pound for pound, it cannot be denied that the Galaxy Note has turned out to be a design success; people are buying it, people are liking it, and — most importantly in Apple’s eyes — it’s making Samsung money.

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